Monday, September 29, 2008

Chapter 1: In Which Kaitlin Makes a Friend

In the beginning, I'll admit, I was a tad self-doubting about the whole "making friends" thing. Questions raced through my mind like "What if no one likes me?" and "What if I spend the entire year holed up in my room, with no friend with whom to go for a pint??"

And then I was proved wrong, as usual.

I made a friend on my third day in London. Her name is Kristin and she's from New York and she's awesome. I've also met people from Australia, the Czech Republic, Canada, Britain, Greece, and Lebanon. It's pretty amazing.

Photos to promise soon - just need to figure out how to make the photos go AFTER the last one instead of BEFORE...oi


Domestic Diva said...

This reminds me of first year university when you were afraid of the same thing...and look how that turned out. You kept most of your old friends and made a tonne of new ones :p
You'll be totally fine...hell...even stellar.
I'm still jealous that you get to live in one of my favorite cities in the world.
PS. How was Ab Fab?

Charlee's Mom said...

But the question remains... since you have arrived, have you had any random hook-ups / kisses with strange men in public places such as an airport?

Kaitlin said...

no no no, I've been VERY good!! ;-)

littleorangeguy said...

You and Steve Harper.