Friday, May 22, 2009

Searching for Booze in Ireland and Scotland

For Easter in April, I went to Ireland to visit the relations in Co. Cork. Then, towards the end of April, my friends Jen and Michelle (Michelle was visiting from Canada) went to Scotland with me for four days. So, Ireland and Scotland. What do these two nations have in common? That's right - the love of alcohol! Ireland is nearly synonymous with Guinness, Scotland with whiskey. 

Yet, the oddest thing happened in both places! On Good Friday, in Ireland, my cousin Deirdre picked me up from Kilnamartyra to take me to her place in Lissarda. On the way, we stopped in Macroom, and I was going to pick up a couple of bottles of wine to bring to her parents, as a thank you for having me stay there for the weekend. But what did I find when I went into the grocery store? I couldn't buy ANY alcohol! I didn't want to DRINK it that day, I just wanted to BUY it! But we could buy chocolate and meat. In fact, we bought some pasta salad that we thought was vegetarian only to discover it had ham in it. I didn't check if the sale of condoms was outlawed that day or not. But seriously, it was so weird! Not only were you just not allowed to buy alcohol, but there were gates blocking any alcohol in the aisles so you couldn't mistakenly pick some up and try to pay for it. I really should have taken some pictures...

Then in Scotland on the Sunday, we also encountered a weird alcohol law. Apparently, at least where we were, we could only be served alcohol between 12.30 and 2.30. WEIRD!!!

Anyway, those were just some odd laws and regulations I've encountered recently. Here's some beautiful photos of our trip to Scotland. First, the fog is rolling in as we head to the Isle of Skye:

But then it clears.

Some wildlife.

A famous castle - if anyone's seen "Maid of Honor," this is the castle of Patrick Dempsey's best friend's fiance.

This is driving back towards Loch Ness.

And the fog rolls back in - but at least we had our Scottish flag!

1 comment:

Deb G. said...

Heelan coos! I loooove them!

Very pretty pictures, my dearie.